It’s funny. I’d trade it, but honestly, I made it ✌🏻
All work copyright protected. For collabs, please email 🕷
I still think psychos they save us
Cuz who could possibly hate us
We sit and we have fun
We get drunk just for fun
And it’s hardly being honest
That girl was around us
But Paul was so mean
Even Ronix couldn’t save me
Even rednecks couldn’t change me
Been like this since I was 2
Told my family “fuck you”
When they had my sister
Just a difference in opinions
I wanted to be the only one
Didn’t lie here
I did run
And the packages you gave
She said that’s a safe way
But I saw what you did
I saw I wasn’t your kid
But you didn’t try
To see me that night
When I cut my sisters hair
That was how I showed
That I do care
I write through the timeframe
All my lines
Just a mind game
Cuz all I went through
Was a Mom with no seclusion
Her hair was to the floor
And she sat because she was a whore
Because she couldn’t wear bikinis
Its a life no one gave me
That’s why I write to get it out every night
Because my mama she taught me
Speak your mind
One more thought please....